I am a 42-year old husband and father. I was an avid computer gamer and DOF, F-stops and the like were foreign to me until my wife introduced me to photography.

I began shooting during the latter part of March 2010 and quickly became addicted to it. I started this blog to share my journey and to learn along the way. Special thanks to my wife Eng who encouraged me and to all my friends in Blogosphere who shared their knowledge and taught me to further this craft.

View my complete profile


catching the sun

catching the sun


MadSnapper n Beau

you never disapoint me. this is incredible and Stunning!!!!


Stunning. I like the subject well.


Brilliant your images just get better and better.

Frostbite and Sunburn

Lovely shot - great shapes and colours!


Fantastic picture! Amazing!

B i r g i t t a

Dave, you are truely magic about your pictures!
I haven't words for this one - such a harmony - old and young LIFE - a lot of hope/TRUST IN FUTURE ... great!

Sylvia K

No, you surely never disappoint, Dave!! You do have the magic touch! What a stunning breathtaking capture! Such dramatic colors and I love the "old and young" life pictures! Awesome! Happy SWF! Enjoy your weekend!



Stunning photo,Dave!


wow, this is amazing! simply breathtaking!

Magical Mystical Teacher

Do you think that little net is big enough to catch the sun? :-)


The sky’s a most wonderful thing,
Within it some strange creatures sing:
The angels and such;
But dragons? Not much—
They’d rather breathe fire and take wing.

© 2010 by Magical Mystical Teacher



Oh my God, thats beautiful!


Soooooo wonderful, gorgeous!!!! :) You are a very clever photographer, That's for sure!! :)


I've just discovered your blog and your photos are so wonderful. I'm also following your blog now. Be back to visit again soon!


Stunning! A great shot. Well done!

Photos by Stan

That's a magical shot!!! No Photoshop magic involved?? If not, then this belongs in National Geographic magazine-- kudos!!

Kay L. Davies

An exquisite photo, Dave. The bird, the boy with his net... a one in a million chance for a perfect, perfect sky photo.
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel


big smile
Great photo and I love the title too!

Scott Law

What a super capture. Don't know if you caught that or added an element or two, but it worked to make a super image.


This is a fabulous capture. Adore the child with the butterfly net and then the sun above with the bird flying by. Such a wonderful image. Life is grand.

Ever Green Tree

Impressive shot... Love the Orange hues against the silhouettes.


How cool is that! Totally excellent!!! =)

Sharon Creech

What an intriguing and beautiful photo!

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