I am a 42-year old husband and father. I was an avid computer gamer and DOF, F-stops and the like were foreign to me until my wife introduced me to photography.

I began shooting during the latter part of March 2010 and quickly became addicted to it. I started this blog to share my journey and to learn along the way. Special thanks to my wife Eng who encouraged me and to all my friends in Blogosphere who shared their knowledge and taught me to further this craft.

View my complete profile


100 sooc project 7/10 - afterglow

after glow

unedited, only signature was added.

apersture - F/25
shutter speed - 5 minutes
ISO - 100
focal length - 20mm

-10-stops B+W ND110 (1000x) filter
-cheap ND Grad I bought off Ebay (needs to invest on a proper one)


MadSnapper n Beau

you did good, all that beauty and right out of the camera. wow


You are so romantic! Another sunset somewhere in the world, felt by you and kept for us to admire!


Absolutely beautiful! :)


Dreamy. Beautiful. Stunning. Or just wow. I really like this a lot. And the word afterglow is melting on my tongue. Always liked that word.

Scott Law

The looooooooooong exposure certainly gave the water a ghostly look with such beautiful soft reflections. Really nice.

Mette Larsens fotografier

stunning pictures.love the angel and colour and the sense of depth in it


Looks good! I like the colors and the composition.

Dawning Inspiration

Oh so dreamy - love those colors!


I thought this looked familiar. It's worth a second look and more. Thanks for sharing it at Weekend Reflections.


What a beauty!I'm breathless!


gorgeous color dave...beautiful shot!

Pat Tillett

Beautiful! Very serene and calming...

Carolyn Ford

I LOVE the lavender tones! That's an amazing LONG exposure...impressive work!


Stunning color on this, the reflection is a bonus.

Sylvia K

Stunning, awesome capture as always, Dave! Love the colors reflected on the water! Superb! Enjoy your weekend!



Amazing amazing capture. It's a winner for certain.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond

I think that every person who sees this photo can recall a moment that felt just like this... dreamy, quiet, beautiful evening on the water.

Just stunning and a great reflection!



Superbe lumière au couchant


Bubble Gum, ou manger du rose : beau !

Kay L. Davies

Magnificent work, Dave.
-- K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Carola Bartz

So beautiful. I'm very impressed that this is sooc - great work!


That is just too good!! Great shot--beautiful color, great reflection.


Amazing shot! The reflection of the pier makes it look like floating in the mist. Very romantic!
Have a great weekend!



It was a good idea to remind the picture wasn't photoshoped in any kind of way, cause it is really unbelivably stunning, the way those reflections seems to mist on the water... And the color of the sky is simply magical...

Well done !


You work magic with a camera...that is what I think overtime I look at one of your shots. Here I am struggling to learn Photoshop and you just take the picture and get what someone using the program gets after much thought and work. I love your photography.

Oakland Daily Photo

Whoa. Thanks for the footnote, otherwise I'd assume it was photoshopped. Instead, I'm in awe.

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