I am a 42-year old husband and father. I was an avid computer gamer and DOF, F-stops and the like were foreign to me until my wife introduced me to photography.

I began shooting during the latter part of March 2010 and quickly became addicted to it. I started this blog to share my journey and to learn along the way. Special thanks to my wife Eng who encouraged me and to all my friends in Blogosphere who shared their knowledge and taught me to further this craft.

View my complete profile


before and after # 4 - windows

mouse-over the image to view the unedited one. if for some reason the mouse-over is not working you can still view the edited version here and the sooc here.

this is a composite of five images - the main background, the man, extension to the right, extension to the top of the building, the sky.



What a transformation!


wow! cool...Like it.

Ashley Sisk

This is incredible. I have not mastered the composite images thing you described earlier. I tried it once and totally screwed it up, so I'll have to try it again. Do you use blending modes when you layer?


another great post. i haven't tried this yet. one of these days i will.


Ok, that's pretty cool & the light throughout the vines... awesome!

Scott Law

Dave you did a great job on this and the mouse over worked this time. I hope you don't mine if I make one comment of constructive criticism. It is hard for me to look at this photo for more than a second or two because of the slight blur of the people. Other than the man's left foot it looks like it's just blurry non motion blur. if you could have gotten just a little more motion blur on both of them it would have been easier on the eyes. There I go Monday morning quarterbacking again. I hope that is okay.

EG CameraGirl

You are very clever, Dave!


Very nicely done. I like your tweaking.


That's really cool, love it :)


Stunning! Looks really tall and dramatic.


Wow! What a difference the composite makes. Brilliant. :)


I still do not know how to do this, of course, I do not even know how to work in layers :( it's great job I can tell, one I would be very proud of and actually have been thinking to do for quite a while, to put myself in the same tennis court with other star tennis players :( haha, dream on L)

T. Becque

I love the before and after shots - thanks for doing that. This is wonderfully dramatic.


Adding the man makes the photo instantly more interesting I think. Apart from how clever I find it that you are able to add these things, to know what's needed to make a photo even better... great! (and thanks for visiting and commenting on my posts, really appreciate it ;-))


Great work with the picture:)/Maria


Wow, Dave. You're a real photoshop maniac. lol I'm not half as good. Really nice.

Julia Ladewski

wow. fabulous! love all the green!


Love the sky's reflection in the windows! Cool!


Beautiful! Mine this week is a combination of multiple images.... only the second one I've ever done though!

Yours is amazing! Such talent!


Fantastic! I've been meaning to try a composite image. This is a great one!

Killara girl

awesome...love seeing the before shots....always makes me feel a little better about mine lol.

Pixel Perfect

WOW! What a difference! Love it!

Lisergic Synaesthesiae

Nice found and good hdr treatment.

I really like the work you made with composition, well done!


That's better, at least it's a "cheerful" composite ;-)

Johanna S

WOW - what a cool picture you made here - love it ! Poping colors like these are really nice.
Have a great day!!!


Excellent...the one after editing!

isabella kramer - veredit

Perfect work... Small cause, big effect!

MadSnapper n Beau

this photo is my inpspiration to try harder in PS

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