I am a 42-year old husband and father. I was an avid computer gamer and DOF, F-stops and the like were foreign to me until my wife introduced me to photography.

I began shooting during the latter part of March 2010 and quickly became addicted to it. I started this blog to share my journey and to learn along the way. Special thanks to my wife Eng who encouraged me and to all my friends in Blogosphere who shared their knowledge and taught me to further this craft.

View my complete profile


lulworth cove

lulworth cove #2

Lulworth Cove is a cove near the village of West Lulworth, on the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site in Dorset, southern England.



Two words: Wow, and... wow. This is breathtaking!


Oh my Oh my! Gorgeous view!!!


What a landscape!Fantastic view!


Gorgeous! Sometimes I think you must live in a magical land.


Fabulous landscape....great shot!


Breathtaking indeed! And how amazing!
Happy SWF Dave.
Enjoy your weekend.


Sylvia K

Superb capture as always, Dave! And they never fail to take my breath away! Your composition is fantastic, the colors and sky/clouds are truly "heavenly"! Have a wonderful weekend!



It's a natural beauty spot but your photo more than does it justice.


You have natural talent for photography. We are lucky to be able to see what your lens have captured.

Coffeeveggie addict.

fantastic....so your eng's husband...nice to be back visiting your blogs and be surprised to know that the very talented dave was eng's husband lol!nice couple,very talented!

Mary Howell Cromer

This is OH SO Beautiful, I love it~ Mary


If only I could be there! Sheer beauty:)


beautiful photo Dave the water is an amazing shade of blue/green...the clouds are so perfect and full...how wonderful to have been in this place and caught this moment in time.


so magical. i could imagine that dinosaurs once walked on this cove and played in the magnificent waters... very Jurassic.

Carolyn Ford

Beautiful...it looks 3 dimensional! Those clouds really POP!

Scott Law

What a beautiful place and the colors you have captured with the green tint of the water and the perfect blue of the skies are superb.


I could spend hours sitting there with a book but hopefully if was not too cold?


Oh, I'd love to be in one of those little boats. Perhaps a picnic on the beach... *sighs*


Gorgeous photo, the landscape scene is beautiful. Happy skywatching!


oh, what a wonderful place ... it must be a great feeling to sit there and just look at the water, the sky and dream of something and all ... have a good time!

MadSnapper n Beau

ditto and doulbe what Mojo said, Wow and Wow and Wow and Wow. this is truly tremendous


Looks like a picture postcard!

Kay L. Davies

Wonderful that your camera weaned you off computer games, because your talent would have been wasted there. You're a natural. You have a very good eye. Did you really only start in March of this year? Wow.
I had no idea the Jurassic Coast existed. I like to learn something new every day, so thanks for today's fact.
Alberta, Canada


One of the most wonderful blogs I have ever seen :-) just love your colourful photos.

Anne in Norway

Joanne Olivieri

An absolutely gorgeous photo with so many colors and such depth. Strikingly beautiful.

Gemma Wiseman

Such glorious panorama of colours and earth textures!


Of course great shot & processing. You nailed it. More importantly, how is everything? Little one ok? You are all in my thoughts. Don't forget to get some sleep.


Love the depth, vivid and clear. I like how everything created a beautiful contrast against that blue sky! :)

Get well soon to Eng! Sending you guys some hugs!

Dawning Inspiration

Such amazing color and composition!


Great picture,you really captured some beautiful colors. Your previos macro shot is superb.


my dream place!
get well soon to Eng and hugs to Ysa. :)

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