I am a 42-year old husband and father. I was an avid computer gamer and DOF, F-stops and the like were foreign to me until my wife introduced me to photography.

I began shooting during the latter part of March 2010 and quickly became addicted to it. I started this blog to share my journey and to learn along the way. Special thanks to my wife Eng who encouraged me and to all my friends in Blogosphere who shared their knowledge and taught me to further this craft.

View my complete profile


100 sooc project 2/100 - pale purple

pale purple



Beautiful shot!

Would you please help me identify if the flower I posted is called Celosia? Thank you!


So pleasing to the eye... lovely capture!


Stunning as always. you get it just right. GRRR!

Scott Law

I do love the pale purple in these. The detail in the buds is just right and the color contrast with the very soft and pleasant green in the background is perfect. Nice work as always.


marvelous capture, Dave.

Have a great week ahead.


one of my fave flowers, and i have almost an IDENTICAL photo!!


Very lovely picture!!

MadSnapper n Beau

pale pearl purple. the look like they are made of pearls. gorgeous


Such a delicate colour and such a delicate treatment of these blooms.


The life in there is going to burst... Lovely!


Lovely to look at, so calming :)


Dave - what do I say? If I were your mother, I'd say enough is enough! You're the best! That's it. Go back to playing video games. You are making the rest of us look like amateurs! Tell Eng I truly loved her picture on Today's Flowers. I think there's probably a way she can fix the comments section on her blog to accept comments. I do so want to talk with her!~


I really want that lens of yours. LOL. I am so jealous. Great shot... great depth of field... great composition.


Stunning. Such soft colors and wonderful depth of field.

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!


I'm with Robin. "Stunning" is exactly the word. These almost look metallic. Love the DOF too!


You never fail in capturing beautiful shots!! It's a lovely purple:)


Are they really so metallic looking? Unreal!


lovely! I can feel the sweet scent of it ...

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