I am a 42-year old husband and father. I was an avid computer gamer and DOF, F-stops and the like were foreign to me until my wife introduced me to photography.

I began shooting during the latter part of March 2010 and quickly became addicted to it. I started this blog to share my journey and to learn along the way. Special thanks to my wife Eng who encouraged me and to all my friends in Blogosphere who shared their knowledge and taught me to further this craft.

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wasted soul



Is that a bottle of whiskey he's holding? Poor guy... I wonder if he's homeless too?! Yes, wasted soul...

Marilyn & Jeff

Very dramatic photo, it tells a strong story.


Bit of a double entendre, eh?


just like the rich texture of this photo, the dramatic composition tells a rich story, another wonderful shot. I am also impressed with your new header, with an introduction about you, a very good idea. Am so glad Eng asked you to read the manual :)


When I look at this I am thinking was the person completely unaware that he was being clicked?

E Makes Art

wow, great photo. and good for your wife for encouraging you, because you definitely have a gift.


Hey Harriet

That's a stunning photo! Amazing to read that you only started photography 6 months ago! Wow! Thanks for joining in Shadow Shot Sunday :)


Very gripping. A strong image. It tells a story. Great photo!

Gemma Wiseman

This scene is riddled with sadness! The touch of shadows adds symbolically to the darkness embedded in the hunched figure! Beautiful photo!


He looks like he is contemplating - I'd rather think that than sadness :O)

MadSnapper n Beau

you have a wonderful talent, and each of your photos speaks a different story. this story is sad to me. the photos is almost hypnotizing, i just sat and stared at it, so much to see, including the unseen heart break


A strong picture, quite sad. But it's a fantastic photo. Ps, thanks for the tutorial! :D


Well done Dave. Not much to add that has not been said other than great light on that one. How is Eng?

Scott Law

Nice shot, but certainly as sad one. There is not much sadder than a wasted soul.

Suburban Girl

Definitely evokes emotion. Nicely done.

Thanks a million for the tutorial. Seeing the set up was so helpful! (I'm a visual learner...no surprise I guess!) I am going to give it a try once I have some alone time.


It's great to have a photo that tells a story and this one certainly does. Lighting,texture,and clarity are spot on.


Looks like a poster for the movie by the same name. Very poignant.

T. Becque

Wow. A great and sad photo.


you caught the drama too well.

Mette Larsens fotografier

great documentary pictures of what you describe as a waste soul, which i think suit this picture and the way you have illustrated this, very well, the background was great to this picture, good composition . I liked this one very much

Dawning Inspiration

My heart breaks seeing this... I sure hope and pray he is loved... and gets help if he needs it.


it tells a very strong and sad story. lighting is wonderful

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