I am a 42-year old husband and father. I was an avid computer gamer and DOF, F-stops and the like were foreign to me until my wife introduced me to photography.

I began shooting during the latter part of March 2010 and quickly became addicted to it. I started this blog to share my journey and to learn along the way. Special thanks to my wife Eng who encouraged me and to all my friends in Blogosphere who shared their knowledge and taught me to further this craft.

View my complete profile


before and after # 8 - TRON

edited version
(best viewed in large format, please click image to enlarge.)



Suburban Girl

Wow, nice job with the edit.


~the reflection is beautiful...almost like a sheet of glass he is riding on...so pristine and crystal clear...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

MadSnapper n Beau

super edit on this one. did you create the road also? or use a picture of a road and put the bike in it. love it OF COURSE. you have never posted one i did not love.


Hi Dave great love it, I too want to know where the road came from. Have you tried adding a bit of motion blur to make the bike look like it's on the move. May gave another version of a great idea.


How on earth did you do this amazing thing!


YOu certainly have the market cornered on editing...I am impressed with the final product. Enlarging was great. I am a real red and black person so these are especially appealing to me. Would love to know how you did it all.


No way! Great job!

Here's mine


Loved that Dave - you never cease to amaze me.


AMAZING! I love the edit and the creativity you took this too! Good job!

Blondie's Abode

That is an excellent reflection edit! Stunning.


A wonderful effect!! Do you have a tutorial for the mouse-over effect?

Scott Law

Really great job on this. Very creative and nicely done.


WOW...WOW..WOW!! Very cool!! Great job. You are so creative!

Joanne Olivieri

Love that reflection, what a great shot.

Mama Monkey

holy incredible, dude! How did you creat it?!

Garden Lily

Beautiful work, especially that reflection!


Nice job!
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Johanna S

WOW - This is awesome - what a great job ! Love it!


Your skills are amazing and love it. A cut above all .
I visited your wifes blog but cant commnet.
Love it also.


Wow! So elegant! Even in the dark.. it came out so beautiful! :)

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