I am a 42-year old husband and father. I was an avid computer gamer and DOF, F-stops and the like were foreign to me until my wife introduced me to photography.

I began shooting during the latter part of March 2010 and quickly became addicted to it. I started this blog to share my journey and to learn along the way. Special thanks to my wife Eng who encouraged me and to all my friends in Blogosphere who shared their knowledge and taught me to further this craft.

View my complete profile


St Paul's Cathedral, London

Saint Paul's Cathedral, London


MadSnapper n Beau

talk about Point Of Interest and Focus... Wow. I really like this, it is so different and out of the ordinary... keep snapping


You give a different look to very familiar sites! Beautiful.


~i l♥ve how they are all blurred...people walking mindlessly about paying no attention to the beauty that surrounds the,...wonderful! warm wishes and brightest blessings~


A beautiful accent in this photo! History and present time...

T. Becque

Nice! The movement of humanity among things that withstand time. By the way, we have almost the same wishlist!

Scott Law

I like this one a lot. Of course you know I love motion blur and this one is another winner.


I like how the picture gives you a sense of action. Composed very well.


I like how the picture gives you a sense of action. Composed very well.


Love the sense of motion, movement and rain.


Great shot of the cathedral.

Photo Cache

another lovely one. have a wonderful week.



A cool one, Dave! Love the Cathedral.


You really captured the energy of the people and the importance of the Cathedral. :)


I simply love St. Paul's Cathedral. If I come to London, will you be my guide?


wow... awesome effect. you make the cathedral stood out.

Trish ~ ♥ ~

outstanding, the movement adds so much to the photo


Wow! Permanence and movement captured superbly.


the effect is like fast forwarding when you're watching a movie..lovely! hope you can visit mine too =)

Kay L. Davies

Beautiful, Dave. You are a natural photographer with a great eye for the right shot. Congratulations, you did it again!!

Kay, Alberta


Beautiful My World posting

Have a nice week,
Greetings, Bram

My Word Tuesday post

Seen on My World Tuesday


That is an exciting photograph to look at. I like it. It gives me little sparks of thoughts.


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